Now I have struggled for years to find a suitable skincare brand to use on my face which means that I have had to try a lot of them. So I thought I would write a review on my experience with one of the most popular brands, Simple. Before I begin I should start by telling you that I have normal skin meaning that it is neither too dry nor too oily.
Simple was recommended to me by a lot of my friends so of course, I went ahead and bought a couple of their products. I chose to buy the replenishing rich moisturiser and the spotless skin triple action face wash. I started using them immediately and at first, as expected there were no obvious results. When I first applied the moisturiser I thought my skin felt amazing, nice, and hydrated. That was my initial response but unfortunately, my skin did not agree. After a couple of days, I started noticing how dry and blotchy my face was becoming. I am a girl who wears makeup whenever I am having a bad skin day but whenever I put on the foundation it would just make the dryness more noticeable and I would end up with dry and flaky skin. I was extremely conscious when I was around people so instantly I decided to stop using the products. I didn't use any face washes for a while after that, I just decided to use a dove bar of soap to wash my face every day and before long my skin looked normal again.
I am now using the Biore deep pore charcoal cleanser and have been for approximately 3 months and I really like it so far. I am yet to try any of the other Biore products but I am willing to. I have been looking to try the nose strips for a while but because I have my nose pierced I always worry that it would be a hassle to try them. Can anyone with their nose pierced who has ever tried any nose strips give me their verdict? I would really appreciate it.
* I realise that my experience is not the same as everyone's, a lot of my friends still use Simple and have no problems with any of their products. I just thought I would talk about my own experience so that people can see that although Simple is the UK Number 1 skin brand unfortunately contrary to popular belief it is not kind to all skin types. I am also not suggesting that all Simple products are the same but by just trying these two products out I am very wary about trying their products again. *
Thanks for reading, hope no one is offended by my negative review! Let me know of any skin care recommendations you may have for me and remember to follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and bloglovin'!
Love, Emma x
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