Hi, guys! So, so much for trying to blog more... It's been way over a month since my last post and I am terribly sorry for that. I hate using excuses, but my workload has been super time consuming this term. I have, however, just had my last exam of the year! I start my second year in September. So if I'm slacking in between those 3 months, then I don't know what my excuse would be! Just pure laziness to be honest...

So, MY FIRST YEAR IS OVER! I'm so proud of myself for getting through this year. Personally, I never considered that I would ever get into University. I put myself down a lot and slacked around in my first year of college. In my second year, I thought about the possibility of going so I tried a lot harder and managed to get some good grades at the end of the course. Half way through my second year, I lost motivation for going to University and completely ruled it out. I decided I was just going to go full time at my workplace. Everything was fine at first but I kept thinking about the future and my dream job. I questioned whether I would ever get there with just a Travel and Tourism qualification. Well, I clearly didn't see it as a possibility and finally went on to apply and I received 5/5 offers which made me incredibly happy. 

I've already published a couple of posts about how I prepared for University and how I found settling in at University. Which you can read if you click on the two links. So I am just going to continue on from where I left off! Last time I wrote I mentioned trying to establish my friendship groups and the upcoming activities I had planned. That was back in November and since then I definitely feel that I have discovered who my friends are. I've had some unfortunate fallouts with some people, but I believe we can turn that around and be really good friends again as we will be seeing a lot of each other next year. I will be sure to keep you updated on that! I also made some new friends at work, who I adore. I am non-stop laughing at work, so I definitely look forward to going.. Strange I know.

As for the activities, I sadly did not take part in Leggit this year. My friend and I did not even manage to sign up. My organisational skills are clearly terrible as I'm sure you guys already know. I haven't given up on the idea though, there is always next time. Although, the girl I was planning on taking part with unfortunately dropped out of the course so I would have to find another willing participant to sign up with next year! Also, myself and some others from my course are setting up a new society in September for Social Science students which should be super fun. Gives me a chance to interact with other people on similar courses that I might not have spoken to in general circumstances.

The work I have had to complete for this year has been quite varied on the difficulty scale. There have been some assignments that I have found hard to complete but some I have managed to do straight away with no problems. Usually, though they seem difficult at the time I think it all came down to productivity in the end. I would always put off doing the work for a while because I thought it was too challenging at the time. I only had three exams this year. I'm not usually good with exams, it's a lot of pressure to be able to try and remember all the information we had learned and write an answer to a question in an essay form. 

So after my last exam last Thursday, I had the Summer Ball to look forward to! Which is basically a one day festival from 14:00pm - 2:00am. I had a lot of fun and I even got to see Chase & Status perform. Overall this year has not quite been how I expected it to be but it has still been a good experience! I am now at home and looking forward to starting my second year in September.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to follow me on twitterinstagram and bloglovin'!

Love, Emma x

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